Dennis Prager Brilliantly Schools Liberal Academics at Oxford on Middle East and Israel

2018-12-08 5

Dennis Prager, founder of the on-line Prager University, columnist, author, and public speaker, addresses the Oxford Union Society, a debating society which draws the majority of its members from Oxford University. Prager, dumbfounded at the subject of the debate, “Is Hamas a greater obstacle to peace than Israel,” tries to explain to the Oxford intellects and himself why they felt that such a subject is legitimate to debate. Unable to understand the premise, Prager asks if they debated whether Germany or Great Britain was a greater threat to peace during the period of World War II.
Prager valiantly explains a mistake in perspective made by so many in the world of academia.
Is Israel the barrier to peace?
This is a crucial video to see in order to understand the distorted viewpoints many academics have on issues concerning the Middle East.