Obama Suggests Trump Doesn't Share His Vision Of A ‘Multi-Racial…Multi-Religious’ Democracy

2018-11-23 9

Former President Barack Obama took another jab at President Trump on Tuesday.

 Former President Barack Obama took another jab at President Trump on Tuesday. Obama said during an interview with David Axelrod: "I think what's unique about America is our aspirations to be a large, successful, multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious, pluralistic democracy."  When asked if he believes Trump shares that vision, Obama replied, "No, obviously not."  Obama continued: "We have contrasting visions about what America is. And, you know, that's self-apparent. But what I would say is that the majority of Americans believe in that story. And there is power in that story." A day prior, during a speech at the Obama Foundation Summit, the former president addressed the country's lack of progress on important matters including education and climate change.  He commented: "The reason we don't do it is because we are still confused, blind, shrouded with hate, anger, racism, mommy issues."  "We are fraught with stuff, and so if that is the case, then the single most important thing we have to invest in is...people," Obama further noted. "We have got to get people to figure out how they work together in a cooperative, thoughtful, constructive way."