Meet Stepan, the Russian bear that loves to share treats with his owner

2018-11-23 14

An incredible video has emerged from western Russia of a bear sharing treats with his owner.

Footage captured on October 4 shows the owner, called Jurij, feeding Stepan with grapes.

Stepan can be seen putting his paws in the man's lap and gently grabbing the grapes with his mouth from his owner’s teeth.

According to the filmer Svetlana, a special bond has developed between Stepan and Jurij and they can be often seen sharing meals together.

Stepan is a 25-year-old trained Brown Bear, who came to Jurij's and Svetlana's life when he was 3-month-old. The little bear was caught by hunters, who later tried to sell it on the market.

The animal's body had several cuts and wounds when they found it so they took it home for recovery.

Svetlana says: 'I think our love melted Stepan's heart. It's very kind to everyone.'

Apart from being a beloved pet, Stepan is also a star in Russian cinema. He has performed in many movies as a tame animal and took part in various Christmas events.