N. Korean leader's visit to Seoul within this year crucial to promote peace, denuclearization: Seoul

2018-11-23 6

통일부 "김정은 연내답방, 여러상황 추동하는 측면에서 중요한 계기"

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's proposed visit to Seoul... will be a crucial opportunity to promote peace and denuclearization on the Peninsula.
That's coming from the nation's Unification Ministry at a regular press briefing today.
It's spokesperson adds, Seoul is making necessary preparations for the visit.
Earlier this month, President Moon Jae-in pointed out, the government is preparing to receive Kim... under the assumption that it will happen within this year.
South Korea's Unification Minister also mentioned last week that the regime's leader could indeed make that trip by the end of this year... and that it must take place.