Two Koreas link up new cross-border road in DMZ

2018-11-22 1

화살머리 고지에서 남북유해공동발굴을 위한 도로 연결

Let's start things off with a welcome development in inter-Korean ties.
Seoul and Pyeongyang today linked up a new road between the two sides in the Demilitarized Zone.
The path, set up to help joint operations to find remains of fallen soldiers, is looked to help move forward the peace process in the peninsula.
Park Ji-won has our top story.
The 12-meter-wide inter-Korean road was finally linked up Thursday,... connecting South and North Korea,.. across the Military Demarcation Line inside the DMZ.
On the southern side, it's about 1-point-7 kilometers long and on the northern side 1-point-3 kilometers, so three kilometers in total in length.
The road is unpaved for military purposes,... but the defense ministry says they still need to flatten it and dig ditches on the sides.
All that's expected to be completed by the end of the year.
South Korea's vice defense minister Suh Choo-suk went to the scene Thursday morning.
"This is one of the major battlefields of the Korean War, where countless young lives were lost 65 years ago.
We have built a road of peace, linking South and North, for the first time on this central frontline of the DMZ.
I am sure the more this road is used, the more it will solidify peace on the peninsula."
It will be the first inter-Korean road in the central region of Cheorwon, Gangwon-do Province in 65 years... since the war ended in 1953.
It's also the first new one built across any part of the border in 14 years.
There is one on the western side of the Peninsula built in 2003 and another on the eastern side built in 2004.
The new road's location, on Arrowhead Hill, or Hwasalmori Goji in Korean, was the site of one of the fiercest battles of the Korean War.
The two Koreas have agreed to use the area for their first ever joint project to recover remains from the Korean War.
That'll happen from next April to October as a pilot program
Right now the area is being cleared of landmines, a process expected to be completed by the end of this month.
It is expected that the new road will be used frequently by both sides during the search for remains,... and Seoul's defense ministry said Thursday that more specific ways to use the road will be discussed by the two military authorites.
The road-building project is part of the comprehensive military agreement between the two Koreas signed at September's summit in Pyeongyang.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

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