Spending all your time on social media makes you depressed

2018-11-20 14

PHILADELPHIA — Spending all your time on "social media" sites like Facebook and IG turns out isn't the greatest thing for your mood.
A new study published in December's Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology has found a causal link between the time wasted on social media and depression and loneliness.
According to University of Pennsylvania researchers, people who cut back on social media show improvements in their mood and how they feel about life.
The U Penn psychologists found that subjects were less depressed and didn't feel as lonely when they limited their social media usage.
According to Marketwatch, the study looked at 143 undergrads and tested their mood using seven different scales.

Half the students continued using social media sites as normal, while the other half were restricted to 10 minutes per day each for Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.
The study concluded that people who spent less time on social media saw "clinically significant" falls in depression and in loneliness.
So if you want to be happier, spend less time on social media and more time just being social.