France's Macron tells German parliament "Europe must show strength to avoid global chaos"

2018-11-19 3

French President Emmanuel Macron has told the German parliament that his country must work with Berlin to make a stronger Europe.
His remarks come as he and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have used a series of war anniversaries to push back against what they call growing nationalism.

"We owe our new responsibility of action to Europe, and we owe it to the world because our world is at a crossroads…… Europe, and within it, the Franco-German alliance, are invested on this obligation to not let the world slip into chaos, but to accompany it on the way of peace."

Merkel said she supports some of Macron's European reform plans, including a European army.
But other proposals are not so popular within Berlin.
The two leaders met for talks after Macron's speech, and were set to discuss migration, defense cooperation and economic measures.
Macron was the first French president to address the Bundestag in 18 years.