Nickelodeon Commercial Break - 10/14/1997 (Final Part)

2018-11-17 44

This is the last of 9 parts to the commercial breaks from 10/14/97 on Nickelodeon. These were found on the "Rescures Down Under" tape I purchased at the Salvation Army store a while back. Sorry for the crappy quality, made the best of what ti was thanks to tracking controls. This commercial break took directly to the end of the tape, and was in-between breakpoints in Garfield and Friends.

2. Hey Arnold promo - What is his last name?!
3. Fairy Tale: A True Story movie promo
4. Nerf Walkie-Talkie Guns ad (Okay, these would be pretty sick to have today...)
5. Cool Shoppin' Barbie ad
6. NITAN is back!
7. Fortune Kooky title card
8. end of tape

That's it for this tape! Stay tuned for more commercial breaks from other tapes coming soon!