Texas woman KABOOMS wedding dress to celebrate divorce

2018-11-16 3

LACOSTE, TEXAS — A Texas woman decided to celebrate her divorce with a big bang — literally — by blasting her wedding dress to smithereens.

After a court finally put Kimberly Santleben-Stiteler's presumably disastrous 14-year marriage to rest, she and her family threw a divorce party to mark the occasion, reports the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

She wanted to simply burn her wedding dress, but her dad and brother got the brilliant idea to turn it into an exploding target using 20 pounds of explosive tannerite.

So on Saturday night, the 43-year-old went full-on target practice with the dress, shooting it with a rifle from 200 yards away.

She hit the bullseye on her first shot, which caused a massive blast and a bang so loud it was heard from 15 miles away.

Concerned messages immediately started pouring in from people around the county who heard the explosion. But for Santleben-Stiteler and her family, it was simply liberating. Thank god for closure.