Snoop Dogg Dishes out Thanksgiving Tips

2018-11-13 12

Snoop Dogg Dishes
out Thanksgiving Tips Snoop Dogg recently released the cookbook, 'From Crook to Cook.' Within the book
are some solid
Thanksgiving recipes. Snoop Dogg, via 'Bloomberg' Some of the things Snoop touches on are a "remix" of the gin and juice classic, M.O.P.: Mash
Out Potatoes, with Snoop's secret ingredient of mayonnaise, Sweet Potato Pie with a hint of orange, and of course — the turkey. Snoop Dogg, via 'Bloomberg' And by the time you're tired of Thanksgiving leftovers, Snoop's got you covered with his fried bologna and cheese sandwich. Snoop Dogg, via 'Bloomberg' The co-host of the Emmy-nominated series, 'Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party,'
is definitely no stranger in the kitchen. Martha Stewart, via 'Bloomberg'