ROSH HASHANA (THE NEW YEAR) & FARMING - Be Glad O People of Zion Rejoice in the Lord

2018-11-13 2

As soon as the first autumn rains moisten the parched earth,
our new agricultural year begins.

We use only the most elementary of tools --
a simple wooden plough pulled by a bullock or a pair of donkeys.

This is hard work ... for both the animals ... and for us.

But we work gladly, giving thanks to the Almighty ....
remembering the words of the Prophet Yoel:
Be glad, O people of Zion, rejoice in the Lord your God,
for he has given you the autumn rains in righteousness.
He sends you abundant showers...
The threshing floors will be filled with grain. (Yoel 2:23-4)

Following a lunar calendar, our New Year falls on the first
new moon of Autumn --- in our month of Tishrei.

This is the festival of Rosh Hashanah -- called in the Bible the Feast of Trumpets.

Rosh Hashana, when we start the New Year actually is the feast of trumpets, the feast the shofar, is recorded in scripture, where you are to sound the shofar the ram's horn as a time of remembrance.

It is fitting at this time that we remember the birth of Yeshua.

For, as Rosh Hashana ushers in the rebirth of the land, so His birth heralds the dawn of renewal for all mankind.

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