2018-11-08 2

ONLINE CHURCH: www.BelieversInternational.Church
Welcome to the World Missions Revolution.
MESSAGE NOTES: There is a revolution going on right now. And It all started 2,000 years ago with Jesus.

Mark 16:15-18 (AMPC)
15 And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the Gospel) to every creature [of the whole human race].

Multitudes of people all over the world are becoming more committed to the mission Jesus gave to us. We Believers are common men and women who have discovered our purpose and the mighty honor of being used by God to influence people for His Kingdom. We are Believers!

We are radical, on fire and have a passion for God’s Word and for the continual presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Jesus is the center of everything we do, and we are not ashamed to let anyone and everyone know!

God is beginning to again sweep a move of World Missions throughout the earth today. God is taking ordinary people and doing extraordinary things with them — in very unusual and difficult places of the world.

The World Missions Revolution is all about going and sending people out into all the world to share the message of Jesus Christ. It is the true assignment of the church -

We are Going! As the Body of Christ on the earth we have to be going places. Some of us have to be going. Some of us have to be on the move. Some of us have to catch a spirit of going.

Jesus had the spirit of sending and going. He was always moving!
Acts 10:38, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”

How God anointed Jesus, who went. Who went. Who went about doing good. Jesus went. Jesus was on the move. Jesus was a goer. He had to go where people were. And He went to where the people were. He went to where need was. He didn’t wait for people to come to Him. He went to where people were. He didn’t stay in one place. He went from place to place.

When Jesus WENT - He started the movement - we are still in this supernatural - powerful - earth changing movement today.

We are the Body of Jesus - we are always going and if we are not going - then we are sending other people in our place and praying for God to use them mightily and to push back the forces of darkness and bring the marvelous light of the good news gospel to the whole world.

Jesus gave us the green light! It is not going to get any greener! We all know green means go! So goers - lets go!

I will go someday! Someday is here! Someday is NOW! Oh God I will do it Later - Later is here!

Who are the senders?
We are all the senders! If we are unable to go then we can send someone else in our place. And when we send them we go with them with our prayers and financial support.
King David said this best -
1 Samuel 30:24 (NIV)
The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All wil