NZ fisherman rescues 18-month baby floating in the ocean

2018-11-07 5

NORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND — A fisherman in New Zealand has saved an 18-month-old baby from drowning in the sea.

Gus Hutt was fishing on Matata Beach in North Island when he saw a tiny being floating in the water. He reached out to grab it, thinking it was a doll, reports BBC News.

The baby instinctively started squeaking. This is when Hutt realized the doll was actually a child and it was alive.

Hutt's wife Sue was quick to alert authorities who said that there was only one couple with a baby staying in a holiday camp in the area.

Sue then wrapped the baby in towels and went to find his parents. The baby's mother was overwhelmed when the baby was found and reportedly screamed.

Emergency services arrived and took the baby to the hospital for a routine checkup. The baby was confirmed to be doing okay.

Apparently the baby had been holidaying with his parents when he escaped from his parents' tent by undoing the zipper and headed for the ocean.

Rebecca Salter, the owner of the holiday camp, called the incident a "freakish miracle" and said they were lucky for the way things turned out.