Trump cites N. Korea's invitation of international inspectors as progress toward denuclearization

2018-11-03 4

We start with the ongoing international diplomacy with North Korea.
While a high-level meeting between the North and the United States is expected to take place next week,... U.S. President Donald Trump is again touting his administration's achievements on the regime's denuclearization drive.
This time, he chose to highlight the North's decision to invite international inspectors to its nuclear test sites.
Kim Mok-yeon reports.
Speaking at a campaign rally in Missouri,... President Trump said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has vowed to allow outside inspectors into the Punggye-ri nuclear test site and the Dongchang-ri missile engine facility, revealing his optimistic diagnosis on the prospects for North Korea's denuclearization.
He stressed his administration is doing well to keep the peace with North Korea, and he took aim at the media for not giving him significant credit for doing so.

"Let me tell you, we would be in a nuclear war right now if the right person didn't come along. So we're doing well."

Regarding U.S. sanctions on North Korea, President Trump said his administration is willing to remove them,... if the regime continues to make progress towards denuclearization.
North Korea is under tough international sanctions for its nuclear weapons program, and the U.S. has vowed not to lift them until the regime completely denuclearizes.

President Trump also boasted of what he called his "very good" relationship with Kim.
He said the two sides are getting to a point where North Korea really wants to do something, adding the world would not have to worry about millions of lives being lost in a nuclear war.

President Trump is expected to hold his second summit with Kim Jong-un early next year, at least six months after their first encounter in Singapore in June.
To prepare for the next summit and continue their negotiations on implementing the so-called Sentosa agreement, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to meet his North Korean counterpart in the coming days.
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.