Trump, Xi hold "good" phone conversation on trade

2018-11-02 4

U.S. President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping have held what Trump says was "a long and very good phone conversation" on their current trade spat.
President Trump also said the two leaders discussed North Korea.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
A glimmer of hope for a thaw in the trade dispute between the world's two biggest economies.
President Trump took to Twitter on Thursday,... saying he had "a long and very good conversation" with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.
He added they discussed "many subjects, with a heavy emphasis on trade".
With the G20 summit to be held in Argentina this month,... the two leaders are expected to meet on the sidelines.
While watchers don't expect any major breakthrough,...President Trump said the talks were "moving along nicely".
After the phone call,... President Xi said he and Trump hope to expand trade cooperation,... adding they would "promote a plan" that the two sides can accept to reach a consensus on the current trade issue.
The two countries have already imposed tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of each other's goods.
President Trump has also threatened to slap tariffs on the remainder of China's 500-billion-plus dollar exports to the U.S.
Trump's economic adviser Larry Kudlow now says the administration will be holding off on further tariffs on China,... and may scale back existing ones,... if talks on a new trade relationship are successful.
While Kudlow declined to provide details on the Trump-Xi phone discussion,... he said there was a "very positive tone" between the two leaders.
President Trump's mention of a "good discussion on North Korea" is also being viewed as positive in South Korea,... but no further information was available on what the two leaders discussed on that front.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

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