Trump Tweets Paul Ryan 'Knows Nothing' About Birthright Citizenship

2018-11-01 3

Trump Tweets Paul Ryan
'Knows Nothing' About
Birthright Citizenship President Donald Trump's
tweet was a response to
Ryan's comment on a
Kentucky radio program. The House Speaker said that
Trump "cannot end birthright
citizenship with an executive order." In a recent
interview for
'Axios on HBO,' Birthright citizenship is
guaranteed by the
14th Amendment in
the U.S. Constitution. The amendment guarantees U.S.
citizenship to, "All persons born
or naturalized in the
United States ..." Some Republicans voiced frustration
that Trump was muddying their
message less than two weeks
away from the midterms. Trump referenced Obama when
he reiterated the claim that he
could end birthright citizenship. President Trump, via CNN

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