This market seller has developed a unique talent for whizzing round on his motorcycle while carrying FISH on his head. Rafael Nagta, 25, was seen speeding past a car while balancing the unusual load in Albay, the Philippines on October 28. The village fishmonger goes back and forth several times a day between his stall and the local port where boats bring in the day's catch. Rafael said: ''I've been doing this for five years. I am selling fresh fish. I ride the motorcycle because it's faster for me than driving a car.'' The vendor fills a flat wicker basket with different fish which he then balances on his head instead of a helmet. He can ride with both hands on the handlebars reaching speeds of up to 60kmph, making the journey several times a day. Rafael added: ''I'm the only person that can do this. If there was a competition for it, I would win, I'm sure. It's my special talent.''