Cold and frosty conditions but higher temps _ 103118

2018-10-31 2

Good morning, higher temperatures will be followed by the coldest air of the season today, you will feel smoother air once you step outside but it's better to dress warmly on your way out. Daily highs will also be a couple notches higher today.

Beijing is also seeing wide temperature differences from lows nearing the freezing mark to highs in the mid teens, Tokyo will notice breezier conditions. As for here in Korea, we'll notice even sunnier skies as the day goes on.

For a closer look at today's temperatures, Seoul, Daejeon and Daegu are waking up to a low of 4 degrees, Chuncheon saw subzero morning temperatures.

Daily highs will range between 13 and 17 degrees. Seoul will see 13 degrees, Gyeongju, Busan getting up to 16 degrees.

Temperature will return to seasonal averages on Friday afternoon, wide temperature differences will continue for the time being so take good care Many people come down with colds during this time of the year.

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.

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