Number of irregular workers tops 6.6 mil. in Korea

2018-10-30 3

통계청: 정규직은 거의 늘지 않았는데, 비정규직 근로자 전체 임금근로자의 33%

Despite government efforts to boost the number of regular workers... the proportion of irregular employees in the nation reached a six-year-high.
Irregular workers' income level and working conditions also deteroriated compared to their regular counterparts.
Kim Ji-yeon delves deeper into the issue.
Data released Tuesday by Statistics Korea show the number of regular workers increased in August by a mere three-thousand from the same period last year.
The number of irregular workers, meanwhile, shot up by 36-thousand to more than 6-point-6-million.
In fact, irregular workers make up a bigger proportion of the labor force than at any point in the past six years at 33 percent.
This comes despite the government's efforts to add regular workers in the public sector... one of those policies include giving irregular employees regular positions.
The Moon Jae-in administration laid out a roadmap last year pledging to increase the number of public sector jobs... such as healthcare workers and firefighters... by 810-thousand by 2022.
The same data from the statistics agency show the income gap between regular and irregular workers is widening.
Irregular workers earned around 14-hundred U.S. dollars a month on average,... about 12-hundred less than regular workers.
A year earlier, the income gap was around 11-hundred dollars.
It was also found that only 43-point-6-percent of irregular workers have employment insurance... an important indicator of job security and working conditions... and coverage recorded a three-year low in August.
Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.