China and Russia spies have to listen to Trump's iPhone calls

2018-10-29 18

'MURICA — It appears that President Donald Trump continues to use unsecured iPhones to talk to his pals instead of using a secure White House line, according to the New York Times.
Apparently, Trump has a penchant for using three different iPhones. Two of them have been altered by the NSA to be a bit more secure, while the third is a personal phone.
As none of the three phones are totally secure, Chinese and Russian spies have allegedly been listening in, according to anonymous current and former officials.
It looks as if the Chinese believe that by gathering a list of Trump's personal friends, they'll somehow be able to influence the reality president's stance on things like the on going trade war. Good luck with that.
Of course, the Russians didn't want to let the Chinese have all the fun, so they do have been dropping in for a listen.
Fortunately for the U.S., most of Trump's conversations are relatively surfacy and his lack of interest in classified briefings probably means no secrets are getting spilled.
Naturally, Trump fired back at the New York Times over Twitter, calling the report fake and saying he preferred using government authorized hard lines.

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