Western Funded White Helmets Caught Working Directly With Armed Terrorist Cell And Loading Their Injured Jihadists Into The Back of a Red Crescent Amb

2018-10-28 3

uploaded to the official Helmets (logo) You Tube account in April 2015. As the cameraman runs upon the scene in terrorist occupied Idlib, numerous armed Islamic militants are seen standing around an ambulance marked with Red Crescent symbols as Helmeted jihadists load an injured fighter onto the ambulance. Western media has portrayed the Helmets as hero's who rescue small children, however, more and more recently discovered videos are clearly showing that the Helmets work directly with terrorist groups. This has led to them often being labeled as al-Qaeda's Ambulance Service. In 2018 the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) affiliated western media outlets continue to cover up the highly incriminating truth about the Helmets and have been conducting a smear campaign against diligent citizen journalists and researchers that expose the large scale psychological operation that the Helmets are affiliated with.

The Helmets have played a huge propaganda role in the failed attempted overthrow of the legitimate Syrian government which was financed and carried out by western and Gulf State powers in conjunction with Israel. When Russia entered i the Syrian conflict in August 2015 and commenced conducting airstrikes that wiped out ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorist groups, the Helmets appeared across western media suddenly saving small children. Hollywood made movies about them and gave them Oscars. They were even nominated for a Nobel Peace prize by numerous western media outlets, including the Guardian UK. There is substantial evidence collated across numerous channels that prove clearly they are terrorists posing as rescuers.

Direct Terrorist Collusion: Over One Dozen Videos Capture Helmets Working Side-By-Side With Terrorist Groups in Syria