S. Korea and Japan discuss disbanding 'comfort women' foundation

2018-10-26 2

South Korea's first Vice Foreign Minister met his Japanese counterpart on Thursday... to discuss pending issues, including the disbanding of the controversial "Reconciliation and Healing" foundation.
The foreign ministry said Cho Hyun... met with Tokyo's Vice Foreign Minister (ta-KAY-oh Ah-key-baa) Takeo Akiba, but did not elaborate further.
The foundation is the result of a 2015 agreement made to compensate Korean women sexually enslaved by the Japanese military during World War Two.
Tokyo injected roughly 8-point-7 million U.S. dollars to fund the body, but it never actually started running, as many surviving victims rejected the agreement that (quote) "fails to take full legal responsibility."
Seoul's Minister of Gender Equality said disbanding the foundation has almost been decided, and that the two sides are in the final process of discussing what to do with the fund.