First New Flu Drug in Almost 20 Years Is Approved by FDA

2018-10-25 3

First New Flu Drug in Almost
20 Years Is Approved by FDA Xofluza is a single dose,
oral prescription drug to
relieve symptoms of the flu. Intended for patients 12
and over in their first 48
hours of becoming sick, The FDA says the most
common side effects of
Xofluza are diarrhea and bronchitis. The drug will be
available in the U.S.
over the next few weeks. Xofluza carries a price tag
of $150, but patients with
insurance may be able to
get the drug for as little as $30. Doctors stress that
influenza treatment
should not be considered
a replacement for the flu vaccine. U.S. Centers for Disease and
Prevention recommends getting
a flu shot by the end of October.