U.S. national security advisor meets Putin to discuss global issues, including arms control

2018-10-24 0

U.S. President Donald Trump's top security advisor, John Bolton, met with Russia's leader on Tuesday to discuss various international issues,... including arms control.
The two sides also reportedly agreed to hold a bilateral summit next month in Paris.
Kim Hyo-sun tells us more.
U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton sat down with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday to discuss bilateral ties and a range of global issues.
Ahead of the meeting, Putin highlighted the importance of maintaining dialogue despite their differences.

"It would be very useful to exchange views on strategic stability, and disarmament, on regional conflicts."

Saying he's well aware of Washington's unilateral intention to withdraw from the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces, or INF Treaty,... Putin added Russia is puzzled by the unprovoked move that could be seen as unfriendly.
Following the 90-minute meeting,... Bolton explained that the U.S. believes Moscow has been violating the INF Treaty since 2013.

"I think it was important from our perspective as President Trump said on Saturday and said again yesterday, to deal with the question of Russian violations of the INF treaty. It is a position Russia does not agree with which we feel very strongly about."

Adding that such progress could take months,... Bolton said the official withdrawal is expected to be filed in due course.
Following the meeting,... Russia announced that the two countries have made preliminary agreements to hold a summit between their leaders.
It explained it will take place next month in Paris,... on the sidelines of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I.
Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

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