Gates Egypt
Founder Word
Since established in the early 2012, Gates Group has provided the local and regional
markets with the highest quality and specialized solutions.
Our focus on our relationship with our clients, suppliers, and the industry has placed
Gates Group one of the most trusted & talented company in the region.
We recognize that our success depends on the success of our clients. Therefore, our
key aim is to add real value to each of our clients’ businesses through developing,
designing, Consultancy, manufacturing and installing customized furniture according to their unique needs while striving to exceed expectations. We take pride in realizing the maximized return on our clients’ investments.
Ahmed Ikram
Founder & CEO
Innovation Creators
Projects management .
Marketing Services .
Real estate Full Services .
Constructions & interior's .
Travel Services .
Business Development .
"Commercial , administrative , educational , entertainment , touristic , Services and hospitality " lands and buildings .
copyright's belong to Gates Group Egypt
الأستثمار السياحى بمصر
نتشرف باستقبال طلباتكم برغبة الاستثمار بالتطوير السياحى بمصر , و سوف نساعدكم منذ البداية وحتى اكتمال مشروعكم على أكمل وجهه و جاهزيته للبدء .
نوفر لعملائنا الأستثمارات والتطويرالسياحى بجمهورية مصر العربية سواء أراضى , مبانى سياحيه تحت التأسيس أو مشروعات كاملة البناء و مكتملة التأسيس .
نوفر لعملائنا الخدمات المتكاملة للتأسيس سواء " إدارة مشروعات - استشارات , تشييد و بناء طبقا لمعايير الجودة العالمية " .
جيتس مصر
مبدعى الابتكار
موبايل : 01063771155 2++
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