WSJ "한미, 대북정책 충돌...제재 유지 입장차"
Seoul and Washington have been insisting they and are on the same page when it comes to North Korea.
But there have been reports indicating that might not be the case.
Park Hee-jun takes a closer look into the matter. Numerous reports are pointing to how South Korea and the U.S. aren't exactly seeing eye-to-eye when it comes to North Korea.
The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that friction between the allies is growing,... with Washington maintaining tough sanctions on the North in a bid to spur its denuclearization,... while Seoul is pushing to ease sanctions to reduce the regime's isolation.
The report noted President Trump's recent remarks that came right after Seoul showed signs of lifting sanctions on the North,... and said U.S. officials are worried the rapid pace of inter-Korean cooperation could undermine its efforts of continuing nuclear negotiations with the North.
The article highlighted Washington's discontent toward the two Koreas' joint project on railway and road connections, as well as the recently opened joint liaison office,... to which the South Korean government has said there's nothing to worry about.
The Wall Street Journal said the underlying gap stems from President Moon's priority of peace between the two Koreas,... while President Trump's overwhelming focus is North Korea's denuclearization.
Those differences are also on display over the two Koreas' plan to establish a no-fly zone over their heavily fortified border,... which was agreed during the inter-Korean summit in Pyeongyang last month.
According to Reuters, citing unnamed sources familiar with the issue,... the U.S. is worried the agreement could harm defense readiness,... and it comes without concrete steps being made on the denuclearization front.
Sources say the no-fly zone is a big concern for the U.S. as it bars close air support drills and key parts of joint exercises that have been conducted by South Korea and the U.S., until they were suspended in June.
South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff, however, said Friday,... the two countries are not in disagreement,... and that they are closely cooperating in each and every step of implementing the inter-Korean military agreement.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.