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Trump says next summit with Kim will happen after mid-term elections, not in U.S.

2018-10-17 5

트럼프 "2차 북미회담은 중간선거 이후" 재확인…"美선 안할듯"

U.S. President Donald Trump has fixed the date of the second summit with his North Korean counterpart as, sometime after the midterm elections in November.
While he tossed a few possible venues, the location hasn't been confirmed yet.
Park Hee-jun points out some of the possible candidates. President Trump says he *will have another summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,... and confirmed that it will take place after the midterm elections.
He made that commitment in an interview with AP.
And when asked about the location of the summit,... President Trump said that it will likely happen outside of the U.S., although there will be one in the U.S. "at some point."

He'd said previously that three or four places are being considered for the second summit,... but he didn't elaborate other than to rule out Singapore,... the site of the first summit.

The North Korean capital of Pyeongyang and the truce village of Panmunjeom have been named as likely venues.
But there is also a good chance it'll be held in a third country... and not on either leader's home turf.

Several Japanese news outlets, citing U.S. government officials,... believe it could take place in a European country, such as Sweden -- often used as a communication channel for North Korea and the U.S. -- or Switzerland, which has a North Korean embassy and where Kim spent several years at school.
Another possibility is Mongolia, one of the few countries that has friendly relations with the North.
North Korea's state-run media reported that Mongolia had sent Kim an invitation... saying that he can visit "whenever it's convenient for him."
It had offered to host the first summit back in June.

The specifics are still up in the air,... but they'll be finalized during the expected meeting between North Korea's Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui and U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Stephen Biegun,... who will also discuss specific steps toward denuclearization.
Park Hee-jun, Arirang News.

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