Presidential Chief of Staff Im Jong-seok inspects DMZ landmine removal

2018-10-17 2

임종석 비서실장, 오늘 DMZ 지뢰제거 현장 방문

President Moon's Chief of Staff, was at the Demilitarized Zone today to check on progress of landmine removal efforts.
Im Jong-seok... is also in charge of the committee tasked with implementing the agreements made by the two Koreas, one of which was to get rid of the mines.
He and other members of the committee traveled to Arrowhead Ridge, also known as Hill 281... around 90 kilometers northeast of Seoul.
According to the Cheongwadae, the objective was to see that things are going smoothly in the landmine removal... and the recovery of the remains of fallen soldiers.
They also went to encourage the soldiers who are risking their lives to get the job done.