Trump Insists There Was 'No Deal' Made For Pastor Brunson's Release

2018-10-13 41

President Trump on Saturday insisted there was "no deal" made for pastor Andrew Brunson's release from Turkey.

President Trump took to Twitter on Saturday and posted multiple tweets about the release of US pastor Andrew Brunson from Turkey.
"Pastor Andrew Brunson, released by Turkey, will be with me in the Oval Office at 2:30 P.M. (this afternoon). It will be wonderful to see and meet him. He is a great Christian who has been through such a tough experience. I would like to thank President @RT_Erdogan for his help!" Trump wrote.
The president added: "There was NO DEAL made with Turkey for the release and return of Pastor Andrew Brunson. I don't make deals for hostages. There was, however, great appreciation on behalf of the United States, which will lead to good, perhaps great, relations between the United States & Turkey!"
Brunson, 50, had been detained in Turkey for nearly two years.
The New York Times reported: "Brunson, who was accused of spying and aiding terrorists, had been sentenced to 3 years 1 month 15 days in prison. The judge, citing time served, allowed him to leave the country immediately."