Two Koreas hold working-level talks on Friday to implement military agreement

2018-10-12 6

국방부, 오늘 남북군사실무접촉 개최

The two Koreas held working-level talks this morning.
At the hour-long meeting, the two sides agreed on a number of practical issues for their implementation of the military agreement signed at last month's inter-Korean summit in Pyeongyang, including demilitarizing the Joint Security Area and the withdrawal of some guard posts on a trial basis.
Four delegates from each side attended the talks.
Army Colonel Cho Yong-geun leading the Southern side... and Colonel Om Chang-nam from the North.
Seoul and Pyeongyang also checked up on progress in the removal of landmines at the JSA and at sites where they're jointly excavating war remains.
North Korea had proposed the talks on Monday.