I’m a survivor of Karoshi . And I feared I should die twice. The sunlight may shines on the path I have taken and hurt my eyes. I think that’s why I get sad at sunset like this. But I’ve got time to be lonely now, finally, I came to be able to live in the now. This is the song I made with my feelings of gratitude and my determination. Enjoy!
Title/ 此岸 This side of the River
Song & Video / チーチー☆ビアンカ Chi Chi ☆ Bianca
Shooting location / 日本 Japan (富山市, 稲城市, 飯能市, 川崎市,廿日市市)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/chi_chi_Bianca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chi_chi_bianca/