Thai man in flip-flops squats on 50ft high narrow ledge to do DIY home repairs

2018-10-09 1

This DIY daredevil clambered onto a 50ft high ledge in his flip-flops for some home repair work a Sunday morning.

The resident hopped over a balcony wall then ventured along the narrow ledge holding a bucket to lay a fresh coat of concrete in Bangkok, Thailand.

After spending ten minutes spreading the mixture – and negotiating an air-conditioning unit – he squatted on a tiny four-inch wide section of concrete to finish the last corner.

One wrong move and there was nothing between the fearless DIY enthusiast and a corrugated tin roof some 50ft below.

But with fellow neighbours watching him for support and handing re-fills of concrete, he successfully completed the repair work – without a safety harness, protective boots or helmet in sight.

Neighbour Randolph Frost, who captured the incident on October 7 at 8am, said: ''You'd never get me out there like that, let alone the first thing on a Sunday morning.

''I'm sure these guys wouldn't know what health and safety meant even if you told them. To be fair though, he looked in control at all times. I'm very impressed he managed to do the whole thing quite quickly in a pair of old flip-flops.''