Australia sente haksolok tebes atu sai esponsór ba kompetisaun Dili Idol nebe ba dahuluk akontese iha Timor-Leste! Ami nia painél juri sira sente kontente tebes

2018-10-09 4

Australia sente haksolok tebes atu sai esponsór ba kompetisaun Dili Idol nebe ba dahuluk akontese iha Timor-Leste! Ami nia painél juri sira sente kontente tebes ho talentu foin-sae sira nian nebe hatudu foinlais iha lansamentu ofisiál Dili Idol. Embaixada Australia sei akompaña besik liután kompetisaun ne’e no espera atu to’o iha semi-final iha fulan oin! Akompaña video iha kraik no Televizaun Edukasaun (TVE) iha loron Tersa-Feira, Sesta-Feira no Domingu hahú husi tuku 7:00 kalan atu haree foin-sae sira nia aprezentasaun iha kanta no muzika.
Australia is proud to sponsor the first ever Dili Idol! Our guest judges were amazed by the talent showcased at the official launch. The Australian Embassy is following the competition closely and looks forward to the semi-finals next month! Watch below and on TVE Tuesday, Friday and Sunday evenings from 7:00pm.

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