S. Korea's liberal political parties call for ratification of Panmunjeom Declaration

2018-10-08 1

여야3당 판문점선언 비준동의 촉구결의

South Korea's liberal political parties and independent lawmakers are calling on Parliament to swiftly ratify the summit declaration reached between the two Koreas in April.
In a joint statement today,... they said that the National Assembly hasn't even begun discussions on its ratification... despite the progress made during the past half-year,... and growing anticipation of a second North Korea-U.S. summit.
They emphasized... all members of parliament should be at the forefont of fostering peace on the Peninsula and developing inter-Korean relations,... calling on the main opposition Liberty Korea Party and the centrist Bareun Mirae Party to get on board.
They added that ratification is a must, so that the agreement is implemented even if there is a change in government.