Generations: The Legacy 27 - Eps 223 (03 October 2018)

2018-10-04 83

Linda has a plan on how to fix her boss’s love life. Sphe takes note of the flirtatious vibe between two special people in her life. Jack is intrigued about his visitor and wants to know more.

Catch Generations: The Legacy at 20:00 ( Mon-Fri) on SABC 1, and here on YouTube at 20:30.

Things get ugly after the bomb Mazwi dropped. Lucy burns the baby milestone book and breaks down. Tshidi comes up with a plan to gain access to the Moroka nursery.

Set in the cutthroat world of media communications in the city of Johannesburg, Generations looks at the story of lovers, arch-rivals, cheaters, backstabbers and some good people of Ezweni Communications, Mashaba Media and Siqalo Coart.
A place where drama, suspense and intrigue are the name of the game when you're up against enemies you don't even know you have. A place where people will stop at nothing to get their lovers even if it means resorting to violence, seduction and even murder