Review Marilyn in Fashion: The Enduring Influence of Marilyn Monroe

2018-10-04 1

Marilyn in Fashion: The Enduring Influence of Marilyn Monroe
Language:Chinese.HardCover. Pub Date: 2012-8-1 Pages: 280 Publisher:. Perseus 50 years after her death. Marilyn in Fashion offers afascinating new spin on Monroe history. and a feast forfashionistas She was an incandescent movie star. legendary sexsymbol and a woman whose private life fascinated the public -. butthe story never before showcased about Marilyn Monroe is herenduring impact on fashion From the revealing nude sheath worn tosing Happy Birthday to JFK to the pleated white dress from TheSeven Year Itch. Marilyns looks defied the 1950s era of poodleskirts and marked her as a fashion icon ahead of her time. Marilynin Fashion is an informative. entertaining. exhaustively-researched profile of Monroes enduring influence onthe world of fashion. which traces the evolutions of her style. from wholesome sweetness early in her career. to serious sex kittenlooks in the 50s. t...

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