Inside the bizarre Taiwanese restaurant where you can eat noddles out of a toilet

2018-10-03 26

This bizarre toilet themed restaurant in Tawain is a surprise hit with tourists - despite diners eating their food from loos.

The Modern Toilet restaurant in the capital city Taipei serves up noodles contained in replica toilets and deserts shaped like turd emojis.

Seats are real-life toilets with padded cushions as seat covers while drinks are poured into urine collection bottles.

The dishes are all toilet-themed the menu includes ''poop meatballs'' and ''stuffed brown sugar poop pancake''.

Despite the off-putting theme, the restaurant has become popular with holidaymakers.

Marjo Malubay, who visited the food outlet, said: ''It was very unusual but it was fun to go with friends and family. It was very busy. I enjoyed taking pictures and having a laugh, but I think the novelty would wear off if I had to go back again.''