Cross-party youth group delivers 'Brexit Coffin' to Conservative Party Conference

2018-10-02 6

A group of young activists performed a black-tie funeral procession in front of the Conservative Party Conference, including a "Brexit Coffin".

The cross-party “Our Future, Our Choice” group walked through central Birmingham today as the Tories carry out their annual conference in the Birmingham International Convention Centre.

The group, which is comprised of more than 30 activists, said in a statement: “Brexit, 2016-18, has reached the end of its political lifespan after every conceivable plan for exiting the EU thus raised has been annihilated by reality.

"The wreckage of Brexit will be delivered outside the Birmingham International Convention Centre by hearse.

"Young people will flank the Brexit process’s coffin in a guard of dishonour for all the plans which have let them down so far, because every plan so far has miserably failed to either be realistic or to safeguard our futures."

The footage was captured today (October 2).