Two Koreas holding joint event this week in Pyeongyang to celebrate 2007 summit anniversary

2018-10-02 6

10.4 선언 11주년 공동행사 10.4~6 평양서 개최

The two Koreas are holding a joint event in the North Korean capital later this week to celebrate the 11th anniversary of their 2007 summit agreement, dubbed the October 4th Declaration.
It's the first inter-Korean joint event to be held since 2008.
Oh Jung-hee has more.
A large delegation of roughly 150 South Koreans are once again visiting the North Korean capital later this week... for three days.
This time, it's for an inter-Korean joint event to be held on Friday, celebrating the 11th anniversary of their 2007 summit agreement, dubbed the October 4th Declaration.
This comes as part of implementing April's Panmunjom Declaration and September's Pyeongyang Joint Delcaration,... where the leaders of the two Koreas agreed to hold joint events on their major shared dates.

The South Korean delegation is made up of government officials, politicians, leaders of civic groups that have dealt with inter-Korean exchanges... and more.
Besides attending the event, the delegation is tour around Pyeongyang and watch art performances,... while holding talks with their North Korean counterparts.
Many expect there could be high-level talks between South and North Korea, with Seoul's Unification Minister Cho Myoung-gyon heading north.
Seoul says there could be a comprehensive discussion on implementing the latest summit declaration and setting the schedules for follow-up inter-Korean talks.
There could also be talks on cooperation in medical and cultural fields... as South Korea's vice health minister and cultural heritage administrator are part of the delegation.

Though the two Koreas held several joint events in the past to celebrate their 2000 summit anniversary and the National Liberation Day August 15th,... this is the first time Seoul and Pyeongyang are celebrating their 2007 summit anniversary.
From October 2nd to 4th in 2007, former liberal President Roh Moo-hyun visited the North Korean capital for summit talks with the then-North Korean leader Kim Jong-il.
They adopted their summit declaration on October 4th.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.