Islamic Nepal Plot: Pak officials funding Madrassas in Nepal, says Intel

2018-10-02 2

It’s a mega NewsX exclusive! Pakistan's Islamic plot in Nepal has been exposed. It has been learnt that Pakistan’s embassy officials are funding Madrassas in Nepal. A 4 member Pak team visited Sunsari & Morang districts. 2 of 4 member Pakistan team are from Pak embassy. The team inspected construction of Jamia Islamia Madrassas in Bhokraha. Last year team had visited 'community development forum' a push is being made in letang area of Nepal as well. We have also learnt that Nepali Muslim youth are being taken to Pakistan. And Chinese Islamises also brought in to visit Nepal. A 7 member Chinese Tabligh Jamat visited Nepal's Terai. While Pak makes a 'radical' Madrassas bid in Nepal with '2nd Afghanistan' dark game. The big question is how do we save ally Nepal?