NASA Says Humans Are Making the Earth Wobble More

2018-09-29 2

NASA Says Humans
Are Making the
Earth Wobble More Earth has a natural wobble as it spins on its axis
that was previously thought to be entirely
caused by glacial rebound. New research by NASA has found that three factors equally come into play: glacial rebound, mantle convection and melting of ice. Glacial rebound is the process of Earth
regaining its original shape as the glaciers melt. Mantle convection is Melting of ice is where humans
are making their impact. As we continue to release greenhouse
gases and artificially warm the planet,
ice on land is melting at an alarming rate. Greenland, in particular, is estimated
by NASA to have lost 7,500 gigatons of
ice into the ocean in the 20th centurty. The transfer of such weight across the globe (equivalent to 20 million Empire State Buildings)
is causing the earth to wobble more
than it normally would have. We will continue to see
an increased wobble