Endangered pregnant Sumatran tiger found dead in pig trap

2018-09-28 13

A pregnant Sumatran tiger was found dead in a pig trap in Indonesia in a tragic accident.

Footage captured on September 26 in Muara Lembu, Riau province shows the poor female, believed to be four years old, lying lifeless in a pig trap set by a local looking to snare a wild boar.

According to conservation officials, the poor animal was pregnant and due to give birth in the near future.

An official from the Riau Conservation Board said: "We deeply regret the death of the protected animal."

There are only around 400 Sumatran tigers left in the world, meaning it is on the brink of extinction, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

In March a tiger was found killed in North Sumatra. It too had roamed close to a village and injured one person.

An investigation showed it had several parts missing, including its canine teeth, claws, and skin off its face and tail.

These body parts can be used in traditional medicines or sold as artefacts.

Other threats to these big cats include habitat loss due to plantations and the depletion of their natural prey.

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