At UN Security Council, U.S. at odds with China, Russia over N. Korea sanctions

2018-09-28 0

유엔안보리 비핵화 논의서 미-중러 제재 놓고 충돌

The UN Security Council met Thursday to discuss the positive developments recently in negotiations between North Korea and the U.S.
But there was tension between the U.S.... and North Korea's two allies, China and Russia, over whether the sanctions on the North should stay in place.
Oh Jung-hee reports.
The 15 member nations of the UN Security Council gathered Thursday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly... to discuss North Korea.
The meeting came after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo accepted North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's invitation to Pyeongyang... and after President Trump revealed that he received another letter from Kim.
Against that backdrop, it was a standoff between the U.S. and North Korea's neighbors China and Russia... over sanctions.

Secretary Pompeo said they'll have to stay in place until North Korea denuclearizes, and he credited the sanctions for the progress made up 'til now.

"We must not forget what's brought us this far - the historic, international pressure campaign that this council has made possible through the sanctions that it imposed. Enforcement of U.N. Security Council sanctions must continue vigorously and without fail until we realize the fully, final, verified de-nuclearization."

China and Russia, on the other hand, said the sanctions need to be eased.
China's foreign minister Wang Yi pointed out that one of the Security Council provisions allows sanctions to be modified if Pyeongyang is found to be complying with them.

"Given the positive developments, China believes that the Security Council needs to consider invoking in due course this provision to encourage North Korea and other relevant parties to move denuclearization further ahead."

And Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov said... sanctions can't become an "instrument of collective punishment."

"I would just like to remind you that any negotiations are a two-way street. North Korea's actions towards gradual disarmament should be followed by easing of sanctions. There should be reaction towards every action."

North Korea promised it will invite international experts when it dismantles its missile engine test site... and hinted it could get rid of its key nuclear complex once the U.S. takes corresponding measures.
But differences remain between the U.S. and the two allies of the North over what comes next -- Washington in favor of dialogue and sanctions -- Beijing and Moscow calling for rewards as the process goes forward.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.