UN creates "independent mechanism" to document alleged Myanmar atrocities

2018-09-28 7

The UN Human Rights Council has agreed to set up a team that will collect evidence of alleged crimes committed by the Myanmar government against Rohingya Muslims.
For more on this and other news around the world we turn to our Ro Aram…
So Aram… what does this mean?

Well Mark…. The so-called "independent mechanism" is part of a fact-finding mission the UN Human Rights Council previously authorized to help document alleged rights violations in Myanmar.
The main purpose of the body will be to collect and analyze evidence that could be used to pursue criminal indictments against suspected perpetrators.
Thirty-five of the council's 47 members voted in favor of the resolution, while China, the Philippines and Burundi voted against it.
Seven countries abstained.
Myanmar's ambassador in Geneva immediately criticized Thursday's move.

"The draft resolution is based on serious but unverified accusations and recommendations of the FFM (Fact-finding mission) that could even endanger the national unity of the country."

The Burmese military is suspected of raping, murdering and torturing the Rohingya minority in Rakhine State, with UN investigators accusing the army of genocide and war crimes.
Both the military and government have denied such allegations.
Thursday's resolution will likely raise pressure on military chiefs who might come under investigation, but its potential effect on war crime prosecutions is uncertain.
Those cases are usually handled by the International Criminal Court and needs support from the UN Security Council, where China holds a veto.

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