Gen. Abrams, nominee for next commander of UNC and USFK, stresses role of UNC in DMZ

2018-09-27 3

The U.S. general nominated to be the next commander of U.S. Forces Korea and the United Nations Command,... has said that any inter-Korean military activities conducted in the DMZ should be observed and enforced by the UN Command.
Park Ji-won has more.
Speaking at his confirmation hearing in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services earlier this week,... General Robert Abrams,... appointed to become the next Commander of the United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command and U.S. Forces Korea,... said while the two Koreas can freely engage in dialogue,... all activities with regards to the Demilitarized Zone are under the sphere of the United Nations Command.
He added that all activities within the DMZ will have to be (quote) "brokered, adjudicated, observed and enforced by the UN Command."
He made the remarks in response to a question on the recent move to reduce some of guard posts within the DMZ,... as part of the comprehensive military agreement signed by the defense ministers of the two Koreas,... during last week's inter-Korean summit.
Regarding the impact of the suspension of joint military exercises between South Korea and the U.S., the nominee said there is a slight degradation in the readiness of forces,... but said it was a prudent risk to take,... to make the effort to change the relationship with North Korea.
South Korea's defense ministry spokesperson said Thursday morning, during a regular press briefing,... that the South Korean government has closely consulted with the UN Command,... on the issue of the reduction of some of the guard posts in the DMZ.
The ministry also said it will continue to cooperate and consult with the UN Command,.. in implementing the recently-signed comprehensive military agreement between the two Koreas.
If confirmed,.. General Robert Abrams,... a West Point graduate who has commanded the U.S. Army Forces Command since 2015,... will replace General Vincent Brooks,... who has led the United Nations Command, as well as U.S. Forces Korea, since 2016.
Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

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