Pompeo On Rosenstein Report: You Should 'Find Something Else To Do' If You Can't Support Trump's Mission

2018-09-23 49

Mike Pompeo weighed in on the New York Times' Rosenstein report.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo didn't mince words when commenting on a New York Times report that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein suggested covertly recording President Trump. 
During an appearance on Fox News Sunday, Pompeo told host Chris Wallace: "I've been pretty clear since my beginning of service here in this administration--if you can't be on the team, if you're not supporting this mission, then maybe you just ought to find something else to do. I've told that to my senior colleagues. I've told it to junior folks at the CIA and the State Department." 
He added: "We need everyone who's engaged in helping achieve President Trump's mission. And I hope that everyone in every agency--DOJ, FBI, State Department--is on that mission. And if you're not, you should take this time to go do something more productive."
And when Wallace suggested to Pompeo that wiring the president and talking about the 25th amendment was not team-like behavior, the Secretary of State responded, "Not remotely," 
Their conversation came after the Times report claimed that Rosenstein suggested in the spring of 2017 that "he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration" and "discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit."
Rosenstein has since denied the allegations. 
For his part, President Trump told a crowd in Missouri Friday: "We have great people in the Department of Justice . . . but we have some real bad ones. You see what's happening at the FBI, they're all gone, they're all gone. But there's a lingering stench and we're going to get rid of that, too."

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