Ann Coulter Unloads On Kavanaugh Accuser Ford: 'She Will Testify, But Only From A Ski Lift'

2018-09-21 6

Ann Coulter on Friday weighed in on the sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh.

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter on Friday mocked the negotiations underway for the testimony of Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were in high school. "New demand from Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford: She will testify, but only from a ski lift," Coulter tweeted. "She'll be on a up chair & senators will yell Qs from the downward chairs."  "Alternative offer from Christine Blasey Ford: She'll accept Grassley's offer for staffers to go to Palo Alto for her statement, IF they also paint her house & mow her lawn," Coulter added. The New York Times reports that Ford's attorney, Debra Katz, has said that Monday, the testimony deadline given by the Senate Judiciary Committee, is outside the realm of possibility and "arbitrary in any event." A person identified by CBS News as being "close to the process," said other conditions being negotiated include that Kavanagh testify first and alleged witness Mark Judge be subpoenaed.
Notably, Coulter has cast aspersion on the accusation at large. 
In regard to Ford's request for an FBI investigation, Coulter stated via Twitter:  "She doesn't know what YEAR the high school groping happened. What exactly is the FBI supposed to 'investigate'?"