Tips For Beginner Tennis Players with Connie Lynn Bandfield

2018-09-21 4

Tennis is a demanding sport both physically and mentally.
Connie Bandfield gives tips to new Tennis players.

Connie Lynn Bandfield, an interior design and absolute tennis enthusiast.
“Knowing the terminologies of terms associated with the game is a good place to start.” Says
Connie Bandfield

Somme definitions of tennis to help you ease into it.
Forehand - A shot made by swinging the racket across your body with your dominant hand.
Backhand - A shot made swinging the racket two-handed from the opposite side of your body
Volley - this shot is executed using only a slight swing.
Get a grip - Learning how to hold a racket properly is fundamental to good form.
Warm up and cool down

One of the quickest ways to injure yourself or pull a muscle is by now warming up or cooling down.
It’s extremely important that players do some stretches.