Marching Church - "Christmas on Earth" (Directed by Sky Ferreira)

2018-09-20 22

Here it is: the only new Christmas music video you need this holiday season. In Marching Church’s booze-soaked new visual, Iceage frontman Elias Bender Rønnenfelt slurs “it’s Christmas on earth” while staggering along L.A. roads at magic hour, and sways alone in a kitschy living room decked with gilded garlands. It’s a surreal and bittersweet vision, bringing out the loneliness that sometimes lurks during the most wonderful time of the year.

The video is the directorial debut from Sky Ferreira, who closes out a year of being in front of the lens. Read an interview with her & Elias here:

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Director: Sky Ferreira
Producer: Ryland Burns
Director of Photography: Scott Perry
Editor: Sam Balaban
Production Assistant: Lindsey Hartman