India's massive Agusta Coup, 'fake aircraft purchase' mask; will Michel expose netas?

2018-09-19 7

A day after India’s big victory in UAE court, explosive set of details that we at NewsX have accessed. Point to the clear scam in the Augustawestland VVIP chopper deal. A deal that was struck in 2007 for purchase of 12 luxury helicopters under UPA. Michel was arrested in the UAE last year and was facing extradition proceedings in the country. He is wanted in India for allegedly organising bribes in exchange for a contract for the VVIP helicopters. The papers show the clear modus operandi of Michel where companies were created to launder money which was then used to pay off influential politicians that allegedly tailor made specifications to suit Ausgutawestland. This proof will nail Michel, but with reports suggesting he may be missing, how soon will Michel be in India and will he expose India’s netas is the big questions.